Frequently Asked Questions
Clinical Hypnotherapy
What is Clinical Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterised by increased suggestibility. Clinical Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy, therefore, is the use of an altered state of consciousness, or trance, for therapeutic endpoint.
The brain waves associated with state of Hypnosis are called alpha waves. In alpha states, the body gradually relaxes. Hypnosis, meditation, day-dreaming, being absorbed in a book, music or television, driving and arriving at your destination without recalling all the usual landmarks are good examples of alpha states.
How does Hypnosis work?
Hypnosis works by inducing deep state of relaxation often called trance. Under trance the conscious, rational part of the brain is temporarily bypassed, making the subconscious part, which influences mental and physical functions, receptive to therapy. Under hypnosis, there is heightened concentration for the specific purpose of maximising potential, changing limiting beliefs and behaviours and gaining insight .
Once the individual has achieved desired depth of trance the hypnotherapist uses many different therapeutic methods aimed at overcoming specific problems. These therapeutic methods range from simple suggestions, encouraging imagination, to exploring deep seated beliefs and thought patterns.
Some uses such as calming a person require minimal intervention, more complex behaviour patterns such as overeating or treatment of panic disorders require a complex therapeutic intervention together with psychological and behavioural homework.
How are the Hypnotherapy sessions structured?
Typically, the duration of each session is one hour , the first session may be slightly longer . During the first meeting, relevant personal information is taken and the nature of the issue is discussed. Any other related information that may be relevant is explored. A brief explanation of hypnotherapy is given and any questions, fears or apprehensions that one may have are addressed . Goal for the therapy and therapeutic approach is discussed. All sessions are adapted to suit the individual needs and therapy is done maintaining strict confidentiality.
Typically the number of sessions range between 3 to 5 depending on the nature of the problem and the progress being made. Please contact via email/phone for the cost of the sessions. For people who may find it difficult to afford the cost of the session, discounts can be worked out so please don't hesitate to contact. Lack of funds should not come in the way of therapeutic help.
A few points to note:
- Nobody can ever be hypnotised against their will and even when hypnotised, you will remain in complete control of any suggestions given.
- The whole object of clinical hypnosis is to take back control that has been lost and has therefore resulted in the occurrence of the problem.
- It is estimated that approximately 85% of people of all age groups will readily respond to hypnosis. And usually those who resist hypnosis, do so consciously, and therefore constitute the other 15%.